Current Trail Conditions & Forecasts


Trail4cast was developed from a craving to ride trails at the optimum time when they are tacky and fast, but without mud or heaps of excess dust. With so many great trails to choose from on any given day, trail4cast helps you narrow down the options for your most epic ride.

To achieve this objective, our science boffins started collecting weather data while looking at its effect on the trails. After a few years of collecting data, inspecting sites, crunching numbers, laboratory assessments and thousands of lines of code we have developed an algorithm that provides us with current and forecast trail conditions.

We think this will help improve the experience for all trail users and will hopefully help keep public trails sustainable by encouraging us all to ride at a time that reduces damage to the trails.

The results produced on this site are constantly being refined with research and feedback from our team & regular users. If you’re a trail user, we’d love your help. Let us know which trails you want to see listed and how our results compare to your experience on the day.


Please send feedback via this link

Please request new trails via this link

Trail Condition Glossary of Terms:

DUSTY – Trails have frequent sections that are loose and dusty.

DRY – Trails are hard packed and slightly dusty.

DAMP – Trails are hard packed and tacky with the occasional muddy patch.

MUDDY – Trails are slippery with frequent muddy sections.

V-MUDDY – Trails are slippery and muddy with waterlogged sections.

TRIAL PHASE – Recently added trails where the full setup is in progress.



DUSTY – Be on your game, make sure you’re riding out front and be careful on the loose sections 🙂

DRY & DAMPHit the trails at any opportunity, it will rain again soon and you’ll be stuck inside 🙂

MUDDYStick to the gravelly trails high on the hill, stay away from the clay and silty trails in the gully’s and stay away from the newly built trails 🙂

V-MUDDYDon’t use the trails. Give the legs a break and keep watching Trail4Cast for a more suitable time to ride, they will dry out 🙁

Data provided by: The Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology

Trail 4Cast © 2022

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